



Present:                  Cllr. J. Cropley                                    Chairman

                                Cllr. C. Cropley                                   Vice- Chair

                                Cllr. Houssain

                                Cllr. Howden

                                Cllr. Heathcote

                                PCSO Neil Williams

                                Wendy Depear                                  Parish Clerk


Cllr. J. Cropley welcomed Cllr. Martin Heathcote to the Council.


67/19 Public forum

There were no items for the public forum.


68/19 Receipt of declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011

None were received.


69/19 Apologies of absence and the reasons given

Apologies were received from Cllr. Brookes (LCC).


70/19 Draft minutes of the meeting held on June 4th to be approved as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr. Howden seconded by Cllr. Houssain that the minutes be signed as a true record.


71/19 Matters arising

The passive speed signs have not yet arrived.

Thanks’ have been received that the layby on the A17 has been cut.


72/19 Matters for the Police

PCSO Williams had no crime to report.

PCSO Williams left the meeting at approx. 7.40pm.


73/19 Correspondence

South Holland Internal Drainage Board Direct Debit form

Action it was proposed by Cllr. Howden seconded that Fosdyke PC pay the drainage rates by DD


Boston Borough Council – Register of Electors update July 2019

Clerk & Councils Direct

Boston Alternative Energy Facility – Public Information Days

LCC – Broadband Gigabit Voucher Scheme & Rural Gigabit Connectivity Scheme

John Callaghan @jobcentrejobs.co.uk – Asking if people in Fosdyke are aware where there nearest job centre is.


74/19 Financial Matters – cheques paid, and monies received from June 4th 2019


24/05/19 Allotment Rent £613.13
15/06/19 Allotment Rent £359.53
  Total: £972.53





25/06/19 280 LALC Training £90.00
25/06/19 281 LALC Training £96.00
25/06/19 282 LALC AGM £27.00
25/06/19 283 AM Appleby Grass Cutting £220.00
25/06/19 284 Mrs Boughton Allotment Rent £554.65
25/06/19 285 George Hay & Sons Allotment Rent £350.00
02/07/19 286 L & R Signs Notice Board Glass £36.00
      Total: £1,373.65








75/19 Information boards

Still ongoing.


76/19 Speeding

Fosdyke Parish Council are still waiting for delivery of the passive signs.

Action the Clerk to contact Lincs. Road Safety Partnership


77/19 Community garden

Cllr. C. Cropley is to produce a more detailed plan for the suggested Community Garden.


78/19 Matters Raised by Councillors

Cllr. Heathcote reported a letter regarding a local web-site that could be a scam Cllr. C. Cropley remarked that although not a scam as such it was hoping to raise funds.

Cllr. Howden reported the road sign at White Cross Gate and Mill Lane Junction.

Bell Lane /Wash Road junction, Cllr Howdem suggests that it gives confusing directions to Fosdyke Bridge, the Clerk and Cllr. C. Cropley remarked that it shows that you can get to the Bridge either way and has been so for as long as either can remember.

Cllr. C. Cropley reported that he had attended a meeting of the Social Club and asked if he would be prepared to represent the Parish Council, Cllr. C.Cropley asked if anybody else was interested.


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 8.15pm the next meeting will be on Tuesday September 3rd 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Committee Room.