Present: Cllr. J. Cropley Chairman
Cllr. Glenn Vice-Chair
Cllr. C. Cropley
Cllr. Howden
Cllr. Pitt
Cllr. Brookes LCC
Cllr. Cooper BBC
Wendy Depear Parish Clerk
14/19 Receipt of Declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011
None were received.
15/19 Apologies for absence and the reasons given
None were received.
16/19 Draft minutes of the meeting held on January 8th 2019 to be approved as the minutes
It was proposed by Cllr. Pitt seconded by Cllr. Glenn that the minutes be signed.
17/19 Matters Arsing
Street light No. 2 Old Main Road and No. 3 Mill Lane have still not been repaired. It was proposed by Cllr. Glenn seconded by Cllr. C. Cropley that the Clerk contact Nigel Hall regarding the Council’s concern.
18/19 Matters for the Police
There were no matters for the Police.
19/19 Correspondence
Butterfly Hospice – thank you for donation.
Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire – thank you for donation.
Sutterton Patient Participation Group – thank you for donation.
Fosdyke Village Hall Committee – thank you for the donation it is expected that the donation will be used for resanding the floor.
BBC – Register of Electors - update.
Tracey Banks – BBC contacting the contractor regarding the street lights that haven’t been repaired.
Nat West Bank – Balance on Current Account at December 31st 2019 £12,250.83.
LALC – VAT is now to be charged on invoices.
BBC – Planning Application B/18/0228 is to go to appeal.
BSE & E South Fosdyke PC Parish Agreement Highway Verge Cutting 2019/20.
20/19 Financial Matters- Cheques paid and monies received from January 8th 2019
No financial matters have taken place.
21/19 Information Boards
Cllr. Glenn has been in touch with a company that are prepared to manufacture the display boards.
22/19 Speeding
No complaints have been received this month.
23/19 Fosdyke Parish Notice Board
Work due to start in the spring.
24/19 Additional Waste Bin in Whitecross Gate
Cllr. Howden has been in contact with Becky Shinn at the Borough regarding Dog Fouling in Whitecross Gate and he has requested a new bin.
Action the Clerk to Contact Becky Shinn
25/19 Randolph Road
Complaints have been received regarding the scrap cars that are in a Randolph Road garden and a vehicle parked on the grass verge.
Action the Clerk to Contact Mark Plummer at LHP
26/19 Grass Cutting.
It was agreed to renew the Parish Agreement - Urban Highway Verge Cutting 2019/20
Action the Clerk to respond
The Grass cutting for 2019 was discussed and it was proposed by Cllr. Glenn seconded by Cllr. J. Cropley that Dawson’s continue with the grass cutting if the same standard is maintained.
Action the Clerk to contact Dawson’s
27/19 Matters Raised by Councillors
Cllr. Brookes reported that a job has been issued to repair the pot-holes in Puttock Gate.
Cllr Howden reported Fly -Tipping in Mill Lane.
Action the Clerk to contact the Swat Team at the Borough
Cllr. J. Cropley asked if another bag of salt could be ordered.
Action the Clerk to order order a bag of salt
Cllr. Glenn reported that the brambles on the Cycle Path have been cut back, it was suggested that this could have been done by Highways.
Cllr. Brookes also reported that plans are being considered to allow parishes to pay to have street lights reversed to all night lights, but it will only apply to all the lights in the street.
There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 8.10pm
The next meeting will be on April 2nd, 2019 (Please note Fosdyke Parish Council do not meet in March) at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Committee Room.