


Present:                   Cllr. J. Cropley                                    Chairman

                                Cllr. C. Cropley                                   Vice-Chair

                                Cllr. Houssain

                                Cllr. Howden

                                Cllr. Cooper                                        BBC

                                1 member of the public


Declarations of Office

All Councillors signed the declaration of office, and completed the relevant forms


42/19 To receive nominations for and to appoint a Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr. Howden seconded by Cllr. Houssain that Cllr. J. Cropley continue as Chairman.

Cllr. J Cropley accepted.


43/19 To receive nominations for and to appoint a Vice- Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr. Howden and seconded by Cllr. Houssain that Cllr. C. Cropley be appointed as Vice-Chairman.

Cllr. C. Cropley accepted. 4


4/19 Clerks Report



45/19 Receipts of Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011

None were received.


46/19 Apologies for absence and the reasons given

Apologies were received from Cllr. Brookes LCC.


47/19 Draft minutes of the meeting held on April 3rd to be approved as the minutes

It was resolved that the minutes be signed with one amendment made.


48/19 Matters Arising

There has been no response from Lincs. Housing Partnership.


49/19 Matters for the Police

There were no matters for the Police.


50/19 Correspondence

Nat West Bank Balance on Current account on April 5th, 2019 £14,370.16.

Nat West Bank Balance on Savers Account on March 31st, 2019 £7,425.28.

LCC – Highway Grass Cutting Agreement 2019-2020.

Action the Clerk has signed the Agreement BBC – Parish Council Newsletter.

Forwarded to all Councillors Seafarers UK please ‘Fly the Red Ensign for Merchant Navy Day’ on 3rd September. 


51/19 Financial Matters cheques paid, and monies received from April 2nd, 2019

The following financial activity has taken place after April 2nd, 2019


25/04/19   Retirement Gift £50.00
07/05/19 Zurich Insurance £226.05
07/05/19 LALC Good Councillor Guide £12.24
    Total   £288.29




52/19 Annual Accounts

It was resolved that the Annual Governance Statement be completed and signed, and the Certificate of Exemption forwarded to the External Auditor.

Action the Clerk to return the Certification of Exemption to the External Auditor

It was proposed by Cllr. C. Cropley seconded by Cllr. Howden that the Annual Accounts be accepted and the Annual Accounting Statement be agreed and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk as RFO.

Action the Clerk to submit the Accounts to the Internal Auditor



Denis Glenn is liaising with the board manufacture.


54/19 Speeding

Cllr’s C. Cropley & Howden are to meet and decide the proposed positions of the passive speed signs, the Clerk will then forward the details to Lincs Road Safety Partnership. (LRSP)

Speeding was also reported on the A17, Cllr. Howden asked about the Speed Camera on Fosdyke Bridge.

Action the Clerk to contact Highways regarding the Speed Camera


55/19 Notice Board

Cllr. C. Cropley is expecting to work on the Notice Board in the next few days.


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 8.20pm, the next meeting will be on Tuesday June 4th 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Committee Room.