Present: Cllr. J. Cropley Chairman
Cllr. Pitt
Cllr. C. Cropley
Cllr. Brookes LCC
Wendy Depear Parish Clerk
Public Forum
There were no matters for the Public Forum
001/18 Apologies for absence and the reasons given
Apologies were received from Cllr. Glenn
Apologies were received from Cllr. Spencer & Cllr. Cooper from BBC
002/18 Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written request for dispensation in relation to members Disclosable pecuniary interests.
None were received
003/18 Draft minutes of the meeting held on December 5th 2017 to be approved as the Minutes.
It was proposed by Cllr. Pitt and seconded by Cllr. C. Cropley that the minutes be signed as a true copy
004/18 Matters Arising
The fence on the layby has been removed.
005/18 Matters for the Police
There were no matters for the Police
006/18 Correspondence
BBC – Precept form
LCC – Purchase Order for Amenity Grass Cutting
BBC – Planning Meeting 09/01/18 regarding application B/17/0407. Cllr Glenn is to attend and speak regarding the Councils position.
Nat West Bank Statement as at 31/12/2017 No. 1 account £10,424.93.
HMRC –update to claiming using VAT 126 forms.
007/18 Financial Matters
Cheque No. |
Payee |
Details |
Amount |
225 |
KE Dawson & Sons |
Grass Cutting |
36.00 |
226 |
Light Bulbs |
Xmas Tree |
7.99 |
£43.99 |
008/18 To Agree the Grass Cutting Tenders
3 tenders were received after discussion it was agreed to let the tender to KE Dawson & Sons Ltd. – The Clerk to inform all who have submitted tenders.
009/18 Donations
It was proposed by Cllr. C. Cropley Seconded by Cllr. Pitt that £500.00 be donated to
Fosdyke Village Hall Committee and to Fosdyke Playing Field Committee, since the Parish Council are now responsible for the grass cutting and maintenance of the Churchyard, it is felt that at this time it is not appropriate for a further donation to the PCCC.
A donation of £50 be made to the Friends of Sutterton Surgery, with donations to the Samaritans, Citizens Advice, Age Concern, Cruse Bereavement and the Butterfly Trust of £35.00.
010/18 To agree the 2018/2019 Precept
Following the acceptance of the proposed budget at the December meetingit was proposed by Cllr. Pitt seconded by Cllr. C. Cropley that Fosdyke Parish Council Precept for £11,000 - The Clerk to complete the relevant form.
011/18 Diary Dates for 2018
The diary dates for 2018 were proposed by Cllr. J. Cropley seconded by Cllr. C. Cropley 10 planned meetings will be held in 2018.
012/18 Defibrillator
The Defibrillator is now in place and the Clerk to write letters of thanks to Lives, The Big Lottery Fund and Fosdyke Village Hall Committee.
013/18 Information Boards at Fosdyke Bridge
A meeting is to be held at Fosdyke Bridge with Highways regarding the signs on Jan 4th 2018 014/18 Items for discussion at a future meeting.
The meeting was reminded that the Christmas lights will be taken down on January 6th.
There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 8.15pm
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday February 6th 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Committee Room.