




Present:                                   Cllr. J. Cropley                                    Chairman

                                                Cllr. Glenn                                           Vice-Chair

                                                Cllr. C. Cropley

                                                Cllr. Pitt

                                                Cllr. Howden

                                                Cllr. M. Cooper                                  BBC

                                                Cllr. Brookes                                       LCC

                                                Wendy Depear                                  Parish Clerk


Public Forum

There were no members of the public present.


093/18 Receipts of Declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011

Cllr. Glenn declared a non-pecuniary interest in 100/18, an interest was also declared by Cllr. Pitt.


094/18 Apologies for absence and the reasons given Apologies were received from the Police.


095/18 Draft minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday October 2nd 2018 to be agreed as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr. Pitt seconded by Cllr. Glenn that the draft minutes be signed as a true record.


096/18 Matters arising

Cllr. Brookes updated the Council on the problems with the new road service on the A17 at Algarkirk checks are being made in the laboratory - the results will be worked through to getting the contractor back.


097/18 Matters for the Police

Report by email one crime reported the theft on 04/11/18 of a Canister gas bottle from Main Road. No matters for the Police were raised.


098/18 Correspondence

South Holland Drainage Board – Obstruction to Board’s access for maintenance works – a request to make sure access is available.

BBC Parish Council Newsletter – forwarded to all members.

Nat West Bank – Current Account statement at 05/10/2018 £12,525.39

Nat West Bank – Reserve Account statement at 01/10/2018 £7,417.97

BBC – Parish Liaison Meeting November 27th 2018 – Cllr’s C. Cropley, Howden and the Clerk to attend.  

BBC – Notice of review of Polling Districts and Polling Places.

Lloyds Bank – Fosdyke Friendship Club.

Mrs. V. Boughton – Allotment rent due.


099/18 Financial Matters

The following financial activity has taken place after October 2nd 2018

06/11/18               259        George Hay & Sons                         Allotment rent                   350.00

06/11/18              260        Mrs. V. Boughton                             Allotment rent                   554.65 


The Clerk issued details of the current financial position.

Discussions took place regarding the precept which needs to be agreed at the January meeting.


100/18 Planning Application B/18/0434 Outline Application with all matters reserved (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for upto 9no. residential dwellings at Land at Puttock Gate, Fosdyke

The application was discussed the Council had no objections, but reservations, they would prefer the dyke in front of the properties to piped and filled in.


101/18 Information Boards

Continues to be ongoing.


102/18 Speeding

No reports of speeding were received this month.


103/18 Fosdyke Magazine

The Clerk to reply to Mr. Despicht, requesting a meeting.


104/18 The Cycle path

A works party was arranged and have managed to make the cycle path usable for cyclists.


105/18 Fosdyke Parish Council Notice Board

The Notice Board has been assessed, the result being that it is repairable, it was agreed that Cllr. C. Cropley obtain the costs required.


The Clerk informed the meeting that the January meeting is due to be held on January 1st it was agreed that the meeting be moved to the 2nd Tuesday – January 8th 2019.

The Xmas tree lights to be erercted on December 1st and removed on January 5th 2019.


106/18 Items for discussion at a future meeting.

The Allotments.


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 8.15pm.  The next meeting is on Tuesday December 4th 2018.