





Cllr. J. Cropley 





      Cllr. Glenn         





Cllr. C. Cropley





Cllr. Pitt





      Cllr. Cooper      



                                    3 members of the public

                                    Wendy Depear                        Parish Clerk


Public Forum

2 members of the public asked about the Council’s intentions regarding the Cycleway from the Ship to Middle Marsh Road.

It was explained that the Council were made aware of the problems last month and were under the impression that a user of the cycleway was prepared to do the work, but this hasn’t been done yet.

The Clerk is to contact the Contractor to see if he will be able to trim the grassed area which is full of briars etc.


080/18 Receipts of Declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011

None were received.


081/18 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr. Spencer (BBC) and Cllr. Brookes (LCC).


082/18 Draft Minutes of the meeting held on September 4th to be approved as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr. C. Cropley seconded by Cllr. Glenn.


083/18 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


084/18 Matters for the Police

There were no matters for the Police.


085/18 Correspondence

National Lottery Awards - for all, Fosdyke’s application for funding has not been successful.

LALC - information for Cllr Glenn and Cllr. C. Cropley who are attending the AGM. L.C.C - Temporary Road Closure A17 Sutterton Roundabout to Washdyke Road.

L.C.C - Temporary Traffic Restriction A17 (between 400 metres & 700 metres of Old Main Road) and between 400 metres Southwest of Old Main Road.

BBC Local Democracy Week ‘Be a Councillor’ Open evening.

BBC – Gambling Act 2005, Draft Statement of Licensing Principles


086/Financial Matters

The following financial activity has taken place after September 4th 2018


01/10/18         256      Eurotech Innovations              Website           90.00

02/10/18         257      LALC                                        Meal                  8.50

02/10/18         258      Staff Costs                                                       652.50 



Receipt                        2nd half of precept                                      £5,500.00


087/18 The meeting resolved to go into closed session 

It was proposed by Cllr. Glenn seconded by Cllr. C. Cropley that Peter Howden be co-opted to Fosdyke Parish Council.  The Clerk to arrange for the necessary forms to be signed before the November Meeting.          


088/18 Information Boards

The Councils application to the Big Lottery Fund has not been unsuccessful the Clerk is to investigate other grant options.


089/18 Speeding

The Clerk asked for positions for the passive speed signs.


090/18 Fosdyke Magazine

Cllr. Glenn has been approached by Terry Martin regarding funds in the Magazine account, it was proposed by Cllr. Pitt seconded by Cllr. C. Cropley that Cllr. Glenn talk to Mr. Martin – advising him aware that the Parish Council would like to delay any decisions until December 31st 2018, to allow 6 months for somebody to come forward if they want to take on the Newsletter.


091/18 The Cycle Path

This was discussed in the Public Forum.

John Cooper had volunteered to cut the footpath it was estimated to be 200metres long it was proposed by Cllr. C. Cropley and seconded by Cllr. Pitt that the contractor be asked to undertake the work. 


092/18 Fosdyke Notice Board

It was agreed by the Parish Council that Cllr. C. Cropley investigate what is required to repair the Notice Board.  A budget of £100 was agreed to start the work.

Cllr. Glenn informed the meeting that application no. B/18/0228 which was refused is to go to appeal.

Cllr. J. Cropley asked that the Clerk contact Highways regarding the new road surface in Algarkirk.


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 8.46pm the next meeting will be on Tuesday November 6th 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Committee Room.