



Present:                                  Cllr. J. Cropley                                    Chairman

                                                Cllr. M. Pitt

                                                Cllr. C. Cropley

                                                Cllr. Mrs. Wright

                                                Cllr. M. Brookes                                 LCC

                                                PCSO Neil Williams

                                                Wendy Depear                                  Parish Clerk

                                                3 members of the public


Public Forum

The grass outside the Old Post office was discussed - the Clerk is aware of the problem and has spoken with the contractor.


44/17 Apologies for absence and the reasons given

Apologies were received and the reasons accepted from Cllr. Glenn


45/17 The Minutes

The draft minutes of the meeting held on May 2nd 2017 were read and agreed, it was proposed by Cllr. Pitt seconded by Cllr Mrs. Wright that they be accepted as a true record.


46/17 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


47/17 Matters for the Police

PCSO Williams reported 2 incidents - theft form a shed (26th May) and the theft of diesel (27th May) in White Cross Gate and Hiltons Lane. PCSO Williams left the meeting at 7.40pm


48/17 Correspondence

BSE & ESouth @ Lincolnshire.gov.uk  LCC will make a payment of £111.67 towards the Highway grass cutting.

George Hay & sons – change of address for rental payments.

George Bernard BBC – ref Environmental Enforcement regarding the enforcement officers who are now employed.

Martyn Hayes – playing Field Committee.

Salway & Wright - confirmation regarding the Clerk’s Tax affairs.


49/17 Financial Matters

The Annual Governance was agreed and signed by the Chairman and Cllr. J. Cropley as a true statement.


50/17 Cheques paid and monies received from May 2nd 2017

208         PD Cooper                           Internal Audit                           £50.00

209        M. Firth Landscapes

Grass cutting





          Monies received

    Allotment rents 








51/17   To approve the Accounts for the year to March 31st 2017

The Clerk distributed the accounts to members after the Clerk explained details, it was proposed by  Cllr. Cllr. C. Cropley seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Wright that the Chairman sign the Annual Return.


52/17 Defibrillator 

Cllr. C. Cropley explained that a defibrillator would be of benefit to the Village and was being organised by the Community Heartbeat Trust.  They would supply the defibrillator and box, electricity has to be available to maintain the defibrillator at the correct temperature.

Cllr. Pitt had not read the email from Cllr. Cropley who agreed to re-send, it was proposed by Cllr. C. Cropley and seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Wright that the Clerk write to the Village Hall Committee to request permission for the box to be installed on the wall of the Village Hall.


53/17 Speeding through the village

The Clerk has contacted Martyn Hayes Chairman of the Playing Field Committee, who has replied (ref Correspondence) that the matter will be brought up at the next meeting.


54/17 Grass Cutting.

 To be discussed again at the July meeting.


55/17 Items for discussion at a future meeting

The advance road signs on the A16/A17 were discussed - it appears they give information which conflicts with the road signs.  The Clerk to email Highways.

Cllr’s J. Cropley & M. Pitt to have a village walk and to then report on pot-holes


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 8.05pm.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday July 4th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Committee Room