Present: Cllr. J. Cropley Chairman
Cllr. C. Cropley
Cllr. Heathcote
Cllr. Houssain
Cllr. Howden Vice-Chair
Cllr. Cooper BBC
Wendy Depear Parish Clerk
47/21 Public Forum
No members of the public were present.
48/21 Receipts of declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011
None were received.
49/21 Apologies for absence and the reasons given
Apologies were received from Cllr. Brookes and the Police.
50/21 Draft minutes of the meeting held on July 6th to be approved as the minutes
It was proposed by Cllr.C. Cropley seconded by Cllr. Houssain that the minutes be signed.
51/21 Matters Arising
None were received.
52/21 Matters for the Police
By email CPSO Williams reported 1 crime on 07/09/21 the damage to a motor vehicle on 15/08/21 - undetected outcome.
53/21 Correspondence
BBC Planning Services Service update - Planning Services at Boston Borough Council and East Lindsey District Council
A former Councillor via email regarding the Fosdyke Bridge Boards and also asking the Council if they could include extra areas of the Village within the grass cutting and maintenance.
PCSO Neil Williams - apologies for the meeting and reporting a crime within the passage.
Boston Rural West Neighbourhood Policing Team - Newsletter
A resident via email regarding the request for Horse signs.
Action the Clerk to forward the response from LCC
Fosdyke Village Hall – Thank you for the donation, the donation is to be used to replace the last 15 Old Grey Chairs
All Saints Church Fosdyke - Parochial Church Council extending an invitation to the Chairman and Councillors to lay their Wreath at the Village memorials located in the Church
Nat West Bank Statement balance on the Current Account Balance at 23/07/21 £11,379.31
BBC Register of Electors August 2021
Cllr. Brookes - The response from LCC regarding the recent enquiries regarding the horse signs
BBC Upcycle Sunday on Sept 5th
54/21 Planning
B/21/0335 Application for Approval of Reserved Matters (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) following outline Approval B/18/0434 for upto 9No. residential dwellings on Land at Puttock Gate, Fosdyke, PE20 2DG
B/21/0380 Change of use of Agricultural Land to residential garden at land adjacent to Puttock Gate, Fosdyke PE202DG
54/21 Financial Matters – Cheques paid and monies received from July 6th 2021
366 Euro-tech Call out 30.00
367 AM Appleby Grass Cutting 270.00
368 Euro- Tech Maintenance of web-site 300.00
55/21 Notice Board A date is to be arranged
56/21 Fosdyke Parish Council facebook page
Cllr. Houssain reported that interest in the facebook page continues.
57/21Matters Raised by Cllr’s
Cllr. C. Cropley reported a light on Old Main Road being obscured by a tree
Action the Clerk to report
Cllr. Heathcote wondered if a book swap could be organised in the village
Action The Clerk reported that the Bingo resell books and jigsaws for Bingo Hall funds
There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 8.16pm the next meeting will be on Tuesday October 5th 2021 in the Village Hall