


Present:                  Cllr. J. Cropley                                                   Chairman

                                Cllr. C. Cropley                                                  Vice- Chair

                                Cllr. Heathcote 

                                Cllr. Houssain

                                Cllr. Howden

                                Cllr. Brookes                                                      LCC

                                Cllr. Cooper                                                        BBC


                                Wendy Depear                                                  Parish Clerk


78/20 Public Forum

No members of the public had requested log in details.


79/20 Receipts of Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011

None were received.


80/20 Apologies for absence and the reasons given

Apologies were received from the Police.


81/20 Draft minutes of the meeting held on January 12th to be approved as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr. Howden and seconded by Cllr. Houssain that the minutes be signed.


82/20 Matters Arising

The Clerk has been in touch with the Welland & Deepings Internal Drainage Board, they are to investigate the gully under the A17 which will hopefully help the dykes on Wash Road to flow better.

Cllr. Cooper has received an email regarding the new dog waste bins and consultation, Cllr’s C. Cropley, Cllr. Houssain and Cllr. Howden have spoken with residents and the general opinion is that the bins are in the correct position, Cllr’s will continue to monitor the bins.  The bin on the riverside was originally positioned in the wrong place on private land, this has now been moved to the correct position.


83/20 Matters for the Police

The Police were not in attendance, in the email giving their apologies they reported no crimes since their last report.


84/20 Correspondence

PCSO     - Neil Williams via email apologies for Feb 2nd meeting and update for Cllr’s.

BBC        - Budget consultation the Clerk forwarded to all members.

SaferTogether Team       – the Clerk forwarded to all Councillor’s

LCC         - Planning permission has been granted for the proposed Windrow composting site at Land off Thompson’s Lane, Fosdyke.

T. Martin via email Response to Fosdyke Parish Council’s response to his previous email.

Liz Martin via email response  to Fosdyke Parish Council’s response to her previous email.

Tracy Macdonald regarding the dog Waste Bin installed at the junction of Bell Lane and Whitecross  Gate.

John & Sarah Ulyatt water standing on Mill Lane near Villa Farm.

Action the Clerk to respond

Lives.org.uk – request for funding

Action requests for funding are to be discussed at the March meeting


85/20 Financial Matters – cheques paid and monies received from January 12th 2021

As per payment sheet


86/20 Donations to be agreed at the March Meeting.


87/20 Notice Board

It was proposed by Cllr. Heathcote seconded by Cllr. Howden that a new notice board be purchased.

It was agreed that once lock down had ended Cllr’s were to go and view various notice boards.

88/20 Fosdyke Parish Council Face Book page

Cllr’s Houssain, Cllr. C. Cropley and Cllr. Howden have prepared a draft of the facebook page.

Cllr. Houssain asked the Clerk to forward the diary of the planned meetings of Fosdyke Parish Council

Action the Clerk to forward the diary of planned dates

It was agreed that Cllr. Houssain be the Co-ordinator


89/20 The possibility that a March Meeting be held this year

It was agreed by all Councillors that as a result of the meetings in the year to date that a March meeting be held.

Action The Clerk to amend the Diary of Planned Meetings


90/20 Purchasing a Laptop

It was proposed that the Clerk obtain prices from Euro-Innnovations.


91/20 Matters Raised by Councillors

Cllr.C. Cropley reported the following items on Fix my Street

Pothole 1811793 (A17 near Ulyatts yard)

Large pothole 385157 (A17 near Ulyatts yard)

Flooding Problem 4156717 garden Flooded in Bell Lane

Missing 30mph sign 382206

Give way sign damaged 4153770

Washdike Road sign bent 378756

Hole in manhole cover near Butterfields 377241

Cllr. Howden reported damage to the 30mph sign in Mill Lane

Cllr. J. Cropley asked that the Clerks Salary be an agenda item in March.


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 8.30pm the next meeting will be on March 2nd 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom