





Cllr. J. Cropley 





Cllr. Glenn        





Cllr. Pitt 





Cllr. Mrs. Wright





PCSO Esther Smith





Wendy Depear



Public Forum

Mr. Martin informed the meeting that he was recording.

Questions were asked about participating in the Best Kept Village Comp, it was agreed to discuss this in March when it would try to organise some sort of community clean –up, prior to entering the competition. The building in the Cemetery is in need of repair the Clerk to visit the site and then get in touch with Matt Fisher at the Borough.  

069/16 Apologies were received from Cllr. C. Cropley & Cllr. Brookes (LCC)


070/16 Receipt of Declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011

None were received


071/16 Minutes, The notes of the previous meeting held on July 5th2016  were read, agreed and Proposed by Cllr. Glenn and seconded by Cllr. Pitt that they be recorded as the minutes.

Cllr. Glenn had visited the recent SELLP drop-in at Kirton Town Hall; there is no possibility of growth for Fosdyke.


073/16 Matters for the Police

PCSO Smith reported the theft of heating oil from Mill Lane on 09/08/16 PCSO Smith distributed Lincolnshire Alert leaflets. PCSO Smith left the meeting at 7.43pm


074/16 Correspondence received

  1. BBC – Planning Application B/16/0287 Erection of a single storey side extension at Ren Cottage, Old Inn Lane, Fosdyke, PE20 2DE –No objections.
  2. BBC – Electoral Register update.
  3. Lloyds Bank Fosdyke Friendship Club.
  4. LCC – Temporary Road Closure
  5. LALC No. 159, 3/2016 AGM 4 members of the Council to attend 
  6. LCC – A17 Lighting – the lights from Algarkirk Boundary to approx. Ulyatts yard  and from the site of the Cottage to the Boundary are to be switched off, there is no mention of the amenity grass area outside the Village Hall – which will be reduced to an H&S cut of 1.1metre cut. - The Clerk to contact the Borough and ask for the cost of the Borough cutting the grass at the same time as the Churchyard.
  7. Hags Sports Equipment

075/16 Financial Transactions from July 5th 2016

No Transactions have taken place.

076/16 Fosdyke Parish Council Newsletter.

At the meeting on July 5th the Council had discussed the forming of an Editorial Committee, the matter was discussed, Cllr. J. Cropley remarked that the last 2 copies had no issuesregarding the ParishCouncil;Cllr. Glenn queried if this was because the Council did not have a meeting in August. Cllr. Pitt suggested that the situation continue under review when it would be reviewed at a later date. Cllr. Mrs Wright commented that the last issue had shown the village in a positive light, Mr. Martin had been against an Editorial Committee, and Cllr. J. Copley asked Mr. Martin why he thought an Editorial Committee would not be workable. It was agreed to review the situation in 6 months, which would be in February or March this was proposed by Cllr. Glenn and seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Wright.

077/16 Boston Borough Council Transformation Programme

Cllr. Glenn spoke the Consultation evening the Council had held in July was disappointing as only 15 households (or 6.5%) had attended.

The results of the evening are attached to the minutes.

It was proposed by Cllr. Glenn seconded by Cllr. Pitt that Fosdyke Parish Council would precept to maintain the Church Yard to the existing standard and fund Boston Borough Council to carry out this annual maintenance to the agreed price of £2725.

It was proposed by Cllr. Glenn and seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Wright that Fosdyke Parish Council would precept to maintain the existing 37 lights and fund Boston Borough Council to carry out the annual maintenance to the agreed price of £1364.

It was proposed by Cllr. Glenn and seconded by Cllr. Pitt that Fosdyke Parish  Council establish a specific footway light replacement fund, which could be earmarked funds in the Council’s existing saver account, The amount for this would be reviewed annually , the lights would be replaced on an as and when basis. 

These decisions are subject to satisfactory contract arrangements being agreed with Boston Borough Council.


078/16 Items for discussion at a future meeting.

Highway works in Puttockgate.

The Clerk to write to LCC regarding the siting of the second salt bin.

Complaints have been received regarding the hedge along the A17 from the Old Coastguard Row to the bridge, and the hedge at the junction of Puttock Gate and Wash Road


The next meeting will be on Tuesday October 4th 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Committee Room