



Public Forum

There were 4 members of the public present, no items were raised but the meeting was told that matters between pensioners and the youth are amiable at the moment.


Present:          Cllr. Pitt                                   Chairman

                        Cllr’s D. Glenn                         Vice Chairman

                        Cllr. Toft, Cllr. C. Cropley & Cllr. J. Cropley

                        Cllr. A. Spencer                        BBC

                        Cllr. M. Cooper                        BBC

                        CPSO Carrson Davies & Redfern

                        Cllr. Brookes arrived at 8.20pm

                        4 members of the public

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming back Cllr. J. Cropley after being elected unopposed recently.


001/16 Apologies      

There were no apologies received


002/16 Receipt of Declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011  

Cllr. Toft declared an interest in item 009/16


003/16 Minutes        

It was proposed by Cllr. C. Cropley and seconded by Cllr. Glenn that the minutes be signed as a true record.


004/16 Matters Arising  

1 salt bin has been installed on Mr. Parkinson’s land at the bridge. the second one is still awaiting permission.

The xmas tree lights are to be removed on sat. Jan 9th, thanks go to Cllr. J. Cropley for organising the electrician to sort out the fault, to Ulyatts for the use of Teleporter and driver for putting the lights on and removing them from the tree.


005/16 Matters for the Police.  

1 incident has been reported since the last meeting a window at the Village Hall was broken – this is undetected.

The Police left the meeting.


006/16 Correspondence

BBC – Awards for services to the Community – The Clerk asked members for their suggestions by January 19th 2016 as nominations have to be received by the Borough by 22nd.

Nat West Bank statement current account 20th November 2015 £4353.13

Nat West Bank statement current account at December 31st 2015 £4270.28

BBC – Fosdyke Parish Precept – to be discussed as an Agenda item

Cllr. M. Cooper by email – he is involved in a Task and Finish committee looking at Rural Isolation – Fosdyke being one of the main areas of concern.

Local Government Boundary Commission – Electoral review of LCC – Draft recommendations. It was resolved that the clerk  write and express the Councils opinions on the suggestion to change Boston Rural District to Holland Fen & Sutterton

SELLP – public consultation is between 8th Jan to 19th Feb, a presentation is visiting several local Councils – members are invited to attend.

LALC – AGM Roundup

Lincolnshire Energy Switch – poster to be displayed.


007/16 Fosdyke Parish Council Diary

Discussions took place on the frequency of FPC meetings  it was proposed by Cllr. Toft and seconded by Cllr. Glenn that Fosdyke Parish would meet 10 times during 2016, this would be omitting March and August. The Clerk to publicise the dates.


008/16 Training.

It was proposed by Cllr. J. Cropley seconded by Cllr.Glenn that FPC would subscribe to LALC Training scheme – cheque signed for £60.00


009/16 Financial Matters

The Precept was discussed the grant for Fosdyke this year is £148.87 It was proposed by Cllr. J. Cropley  and seconded by Cllr. Glenn that the Precept be raised to £3400.00( including the grant)  – The Clerk to complete the necessary forms.

Discussion took place regarding donations it was proposed by Cllr. C. Cropley seconded by Cllr. Pitt that donations to Fosdyke PCC, Fosdyke Village Hall Committee and Fosdyke Playing Field Committee remain at £500.00, donations to the Citizens Advice Bureau, Age Concern,  Cruse Bereavement and the Butterfly Trust remain at £35.00.

Cllr. J.Cropley proposed that a donation be made to Sutterton Surgery Patient Participation Group  the Dr’s used by most villagers) of £50.00 this was seconded by seconded by Cllr. Pitt.


010/16 Items for discussion at future meetings.

Cllr. Brookes has been contacted regarding the Green Lane from Bell lane to Wash road – discussions are continuing.

Cllr. Toft informed the meeting that street light No 6 outside the Church is out. – Clerk to report.

The Clerk to write again regarding the siting of the second grit bin.

The Council has recently taken delivery of a street cleaner’s cart, which after cleaning is to be presented to Mr. Gwynn The Clerk to write and thank Sutterton PC for the cart.


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 9.10pm the next meeting of Fosdyke Parish Council will be on Tuesday February  2nd 2016