



Public Forum           A member of the public expressed her concerns about the behaviour and attitude of some of the youngsters in the village. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the Police and Age concern on her behalf.


Present:                    Cllr. Pitt                     Chairman                                                                                                                      Cllr. Glenn                Vice- Chairman                  

Cllr’s Cropley & Tofts

                                    Cllr. Mrs. Marshall

                                    Cllr. Brookes            LCC

                                    Mrs Depear              (clerk)

                                    3 members of the public


044/15 Apologies were received from Cllr. Spencer.

Cllr. Brookes left the meeting at 8.30pm as he had another meeting to attend.


045/15 Minutes It was proposed by Cllr. Glenn and seconded by Cllr. Cropley that the Chairman sign them with one amendment made.


046/15 Matters  Arising  There were no matters arising


047/15 Matters for the Police The items have already been discussed. Cllr. Tofts referred to the article in the Newsletter regarding the theft of flowers from the Garden of Remembrance.

The Dog bin at the top of Puttock Gate has been damaged twice.


048/15 Correspondence

1. BBC Planning Application (prior to the meeting) B/15/0269  The Loyes, Smeetons Lane, Fosdyke PE20 2AU – change of use from field to private menage associated with the Loyes, Smeetons Lane –N o objections but comments on the height of the lights surrounding the menage.

2. Annual Return for the year 2014/15 comments noted.

3. Lloyds Bank – Fosdyke Friendship Club

4. LCR Summer 2015

5. Boston Borough Council – update on Register of Electors.

6. BBC -Lincolnshire Energy Switch –poster displayed in the notice board.

7. Community Lincs – copy of Certificate of Employers Liability Insurance from June 1st 2015 to May 31st 2016

8. Nat West – Statement Current Acc at 30.08.15 £3,049.86 and Savers ACC £3,112.98.

9. Transported.


049/15 Grit Bins it was agreed by members that the Clerk purchase the bins in yellow.

050/15 Good Neighbour Scheme   Cllr. Marshall presented an update on her progress to date, various points were raised by members.

Cllr. Marshall left the meeting at  9.10pm


051/15 Financial Matters,

A list of financial transactions from July 7th 2015 was presented to the meeting

052/15 Parish Web-site  Cllr. Tofts reported that the web-site is up and running and asked about previous minutes it was agreed to back date to the start of this Council, and the Councils Diary for next year’s meetings which will be decided at the November meeting.

053/15 Items for discussion at a future meeting.

Cllr. Glenn asked that Training be on the November Agenda,

The Clerk to enquiry about the LALC Training Scheme (where a flat amount is paid per year to cover training)

Cllr. Glenn also asked about the Local Plan (Risk Assessment) this will also be discussed at the November meeting.


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 9.40pm. The next meeting will be on Tuesday November 4th 2015 in the Committee Room at the Village Hall at 7.30pm