


Present:                                   Cllr. J. Cropley                         Chairman

                                                Cllr. C. Cropley                        Vice- Chair

                                                Cllr. Heathcote

                                                Cllr. Houssain

                                                Cllr. Howden

                                                1 member of the public

                                                Wendy Depear                        Parish Clerk


56/20 Public Forum

The planning application in Thompson’s Lane.


57/20 Receipts of Declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011

None were received.


58/20 Apologies for absence and the reasons given

Apologies were received from Cllr. Brookes LCC, Cllr. Cooper BBC and the Police.


59/20 Draft minutes of the meeting held on October 6th 2020 to be approved as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr. C. Cropley seconded by Cllr. Houssain that the minutes be signed with one amendment.


60/20 Matters Arising from the Minutes

The unauthorised body works has conformed with the requirement to stop work by November 16th.


61/20 Matters for the Police

There were no Matters for the Police.


62/20 Planning

PL/0117//20 Land at Thompsons Lane, Fosdyke

B/20/0436 Land at Thompson Lane, Fosdyke

This is the same application; we have 2 numbers as BBC are a consultee and have therefore asked Fosdyke Parish Council for their comments.

The matter was discussed at great lengths and is still out for consultation

B/17/0407 Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout scale) following outline approval B/17/0407 for the erection of five dwellings at Land off Old Main Road, Fosdyke PE20 2BU

The application was discussed, Cllr’s are to look at the details and inform the Clerk of their comments. Before December 16th.

63/20 Correspondence

Lincolnshire Councils - highlight funding for Government’s energy efficiency scheme

Parish News – National Restrictions from Nov 5th until December 2nd           

NALC – Public Consultation – Standards of Conduct in the UK

LALC News Issue No. 173

Mick Kilburn – copy of his letter of response to the Windrow Composting development, Thompsons, Lane.

Richard Lilley informing the Council of his objections to the Windrow Composting site extension.

Becky Shinn BBC – following payment the 2 dog bins are to be in place.

Liz Martin (by email) regarding dog fouling in the Cemetery.

Becky Shin BBC 2 additional dog litter bins at a cost of £265.00 per bin

Action It was proposed by Cllr. Howden seconded by Cllr. Heathcote that the Council pay the requested £530.00

BBC- Parish Precept            

Action to be an Agenda item in January

Nat West Bank - Current Account balance 03/12/2020 - £17,904.91

BBC – Precept 2021/22 the figure to be forwarded by 25th Jan 2021


63/20 Financial Matters payments made after October 6th 2020

10/10/2020     333      Shawn Daves Wood                Information Board                  200.00

27/10/2020     334      Shawn Daves Wood                Information Boards                15.00

09/11/2020     335      Mrs. V. Boughton                    Rent                                        554.65

09/11/2020     336      George Hay & Sons                 Rent                                      350.00

08/12/2020     341      LALC                                        Local Council Review          17.50

08/12/2020     342      AM Appleby                            Grass Cutting                         90.00


64/20 Fosdyke Cemetery

An email was received regarding dog fouling in the Cemetery, Fosdyke Parish Council does not manage the Cemetery this is done by BBC.

Asking around the Clerk has been told it is more likely to be fox pooh as dogs are not allowed in the Cemetery.


65/20 Matters Raised by Councillors

Cllr. C Cropley reported the state of the Notice Board

Action Cllr. C. Cropley to obtain a quote


There being no further business the meeting closed at approx. 8.20pm


The next meeting will be on Tuesday January 5th 2021