January - Draft Minutes







Present:                        Cllr J Cropley-Chairman

                                      Cllr C Cropley              

            Cllr M Houssain          Cllr A Mowton                             



In attendance:           Mrs B Gratton - Parish Clerk

                                   Miss C Glenn – Administrator


                                    Cllr J Cantwell

                                    Cllr M Brooke


Also present:             7 Members of the Public




7:30pm - The chairman opened the meeting with a greeting followed by the members of the public being made aware where the fire exits, fire extinguishers, first aid kit and toilets are within the village hall.


10 Minute public Forum


A MOP requested to know the outcome of a complaint that was raised in relation to a debate between two Councillors at the last council meeting.

The clerk informed him that she had investigated the complaint, the outcome being “no case to answer.” The MOP stated that it was not the clerk’s job to investigate. The Chairman then explained that he had been involved with the complaint investigation and that when Cllr Mowton was asked if he felt bullied or upset by the alleged incident, he never replied within a month. Cllr Mowton was offered the contact details of independent persons outside of Fosdyke Parish Council to complain to. Fosdyke Parish Council have concluded that this was a professional debate. The incident is now closed.

The MOP was not happy with the answer and said he would demand an office inquiry, stating he would be contacting Lincolnshire / Boston Council and maybe the Police. he was informed by the Chairman that was his prerogative.

A MOP stated that the Parish Council does not reply to requests, stating that he had made a request for information and was not replied to in an appropriately, the clerk and Chairman commented that there had been a FOI Request for the same thing which was replied to. The Chairman then informed him as this matter has been dealt with previously and therefore would not be debated again.

The Chairman said that this constant “Bear baiting” attempting to embarrass the clerk or members of the Parish Council at every meeting must stop as its not achieving anything for the people or fabric of Fosdyke, this was followed by sniggering and grunting by members of the public.

A MOP raised a FOI to Lincolnshire County council regarding renumeration for grass cutting. The MOP asked why there was no invoice for grass cutting? and why LCC had to chase FPC for invoice? The MOP gave FPC proof of this and FPC replied saying they will investigate it.

Cllr J Cantwell also gave an update regarding the Outer Dowsing fund.

Cllr M Brooke let FPC and Public know that the local MP election will be held on the 1st May 2025.  He mentioned the issues of speed limits on Bell Lane, a traffic review is to be completed before being looked into however the main current concern is reports of parked cars blocking the road, as they double park. The Chairman reminded the room that if the double parking persists then this could be a Police matter as no one can predict when an emergency vehicle may need access down the road.



Apologies from Cllr K Gratton.




There were no declarations of interest.



24/86 Draft minutes of the meeting held on 3/12/24 to be approved and signed by the chairman.


Minutes from 3rd December 2024 were signed at the meeting. Proposed by Cll Cropley 2nd By Cllr Houssain





The Clerk read of a list of correspondence. A list of correspondence is attached.



24/88 Finance – accounts and financial information


The clerk read out the accounts for Fosdyke Parish Council.

The Clerk is unable to use the PAYE tools online, the clerk asked HMRC to resolve the issue, but this does not seem to be possible. In order to pay wages an accountant will have to be employed. The Clerk suggested Walker and Quinn of Spalding will run pay role 4 times a year for the Clerk and the Administrator.

Proposed by Cllr Mowton 2nd by Cllr C Cropley





Cllr Houssain stated the council Facebook page has 179 followers; happy new year post also had 160 views.


Cllr J Cantwell can also provide dog fouling posts from BCC to put on our Facebook page.




FPC has postponed the allotments update due to Cllr K Gratton being absent and awaiting paperwork.


24/91 Precept form for Fosdyke Parish Council year 2024-2025


Cllr’s have agreed in a rise for the Precept of 3% for the year 2025-2026. This is an increase of £437.58 the new precept for this year will be £15,032. Cllr A Mowton proposed and Cllr M Houssain seconded for the new form to be filled out.


24/92 Appraisal for Clerk and Administrator assistant  


Date for admin assistant’s appraisal has been set including Cllr C cropley and Cllr k Gratton, a date is tbc for the clerk’s appraisal.


24/93 Any other business


Boston borough council asked for any comments regarding removal of highways rights on Thompsons Lane. The owners of houses down Thompsons Lane would like a gate to be put up. It is felt by FPC and MOP that a public footpath would need to be kept so access to a public footpath on the riverbank can be kept. Cllr Houssain will write to BBC to state these issues.


A MOP would like to make people aware that highway access to Thompsons Lane will need to be kept due to a form regarding a bridlepath on the public footpath on the riverbank accessible by Thompsons Lane, only other route would be by the bridge next to A17 which is deemed unsafe when riding a horse. MOP felt that if a gate was put at the end of Thompsons Lane, and public footpath was kept this would also be inaccessible for horse riders.


FPC has been advised by LALC to set up a Vexatious complaints policy. FPC has already got one in place.


The Chairman has given permission to Cllr C Cropley to pursue interest into and support the joint village emergency group which could help aid emergency services if the need arose. The Chairman saw first-hand this week how well Wyberton parish council supported the community after the flooding along the south forty-foot drain.


Date of next meeting – 4TH March 2025 

Meeting closed at 20:15 HRS.