31 July 2024
Mrs Betsy Gratton, Clerk to Fosdyke Parish Council
Application No: B/24/0305 Case Officer: Sam Dewar (Consultant Planning Officer) Tel: 01205 314305 |
Dear Consultee
EIA Scoping Notification and Consultation from the Planning Inspectorate for the project EN0210003 for an Order granting Development Consent for the Eastern Green Link 3 and Eastern Green Link (the Proposed Development) at Eastern Green Link 3 and Eastern Green Link 4
I have received a consultation request for the above development. Before the Local Planning Authority reaches a decision, consideration will be given to any observations your organisation may wish to make. I request that your observations are returned to me by 21-Aug-2024. However, an earlier response would be much appreciated. All responses to be sent to s.dewar@dpaplanning.co.uk with the planning team also copied in at planning@boston.gov.uk.
The documentation for this EIA Scoping Notification can be viewed at www.boston.gov.uk, or by request in hard copy format at the Council Offices. Should this deadline cause you any difficulties please could you contact our offices on the number above to advise when you are likely to be in a position to provide formal comments. If you have no comments to make I would be pleased if you would also inform me.
Please send any comments or correspondence regarding this consultation to planning@boston.gov.uk, or by post to the above address. All representations made to an application are published on our website until an application is determined.
Yours faithfully
Sam Dewar (Consultant Planning Officer)
Planning Case Officer